Orientation Graphic: Click on the image to enlarge. The current component is highlighted in red.
The PTV Trip Viewer is a tool to see the ETA for a given trip. The trip can be a multiple-stop trip and is internationally usable.
You can use it here: https://eta-viewer-trip-creator.ptvlogistics.com/
You can configure language in the link with lang=de/en/es/fr/nl
e.g. https://eta-viewer-trip-creator.ptvlogistics.com/?lang=en
You press “Enter SCEM-ID” and enter the SCEM-ID that characterizes a trip in the field at the top of https://www.ptvlogistics.com/en/logistics-software/ETA-software-ptv-driveandarrive/
or you can use direct links to a specific trip using the SCEMID of a trip or a stop
e.g. https://eta-viewer-trip-creator.ptvlogistics.com/view/<SCEMID>
You will get the ETAs for all stops in the defined trip
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